Do governance instruments provide for the resources, mechanisms and institutional arrangements to enable the collection and analysis of disaggregated data and knowledge about populations affected by displacement to inform evidence-based law and policy formulation and planning? (eg data disaggregated by sex, age, disability and other relevant factors in the local context)
Do governance instruments provide for protection, assistance and access to basic services for disaster-displaced persons, and affected home and host communities, based on need and with particular attention to vulnerable groups?
Do governance instruments include provisions to reduce climate or disaster-related displacement risk and impacts, with particular attention to vulnerable groups e.g. low-income residents of informal settlements, people without secure housing tenure, people dependent on access to ecosystem services for their livelihoods?
Do the provisions of relevant governance instruments align with relevant national/regional/international legal instruments addressing human mobility and human rights issues?
Do governance instruments provide for protection, assistance and access to basic services for disaster-displaced persons, and affected home and host communities, with particular attention to the needs of women and girls? (eg including prevention and mitigation of gender-based violence, access to sexual and repdroductive health services, and inclusion in community decision-making)
Do governance instruments provide for the participation of displaced people and host communities in the planning and implementation of protection, assistance and recovery measures?
Do governance instruments include provisions on land and property in disaster displacement contexts for displaced people, their home and host communities?