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Supporting countries to develop integrated strategies to address climate and disaster risk

Supporting countries to develop and implement inclusive strategies to reduce vulnerability to disaster and climate risk

How it works

The CADRI Digital Tool has been designed to support countries in their efforts to strengthening their national and local capacities to reduce disaster and climate related risks. Registered users can have access to the tool functionalities that allow for the design, planning and implementation capacity diagnosis missions, which can be comprehensive or focused on specific sectors and hazards. Registered users can use the tool to conduct sector specific analysis, independently of a CADRI mission Non-registered users can have access to the complete question data bank. They can customize their search for guidance on the key issues to consider when build DRR and CCA capacities at national and local level. The CADRI Digital Tool can be used in both development and humanitarian contexts.

Introduction to the CADRI Tool for Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Diagnosis and Planning

Select Capacity Diagnosis Type

The CADRI tool allows the diagnosis missions to focus on analyzing the country's capacities in the following areas:

  • - Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
  • - Disaster Preparedness
  • - Climate Change Adaptation
  • - Risk Information Capacity

Create projects and teams

The tool functionalities allow the creation of a global data base of DRR/CCA experts. The user profiles information can be used during the design and planning phase to identify the experts that best suit the needs of the mission.

Create Custom Questionnaires

The query functionalities offer the users different possibilities to explore the question data bank and customize the reference questionnaires to the scope of the capacity diagnosis they plan to carry out. The questionnaires provide the general (Core Aggregated Questions) and specific guidance (First and Second Order Questions) to conduct the capacity diagnosis

Manage Questions Bank

The question bank is the core component of the CADRI Tool. It reflects the collective DRR/CCA experience and knowledge of the CADRI partnership members. The question bank is a live documented and users have the opportunity to contribute to its continuous development by recommending adjustments to existing questions or adding new ones.