CADRI Digital Tool: virtual testing of the Beta version

CADRI Digital tool
CADRI Digital Tool: virtual testing of the Beta version

The CADRI Secretariat and the UN International Computing Centre (UNICC) released the Beta Version of the CADRI Digital Tool for Capacity Diagnosis and Planning in August 2020. A virtual capacity diagnosis team composed of 18 CADRI experts from 8 organizations, including two UNDAC members from Senegal and South Africa, tested the functionalities of the Tool through a virtual diagnosis exercise.
This exercise included conducting interviews, generating tailored digital questionnaires and recording their findings and recommendations in the online platform developed by UNICC. The team was divided among assessors and “role players” representing governmental and non-governmental interviewees.
Content-wise, the Beta Version of the CADRI Digital Tool is built upon questionnaires reflecting generic disaster risk reduction, preparedness and climate change adaptation elements, along with agriculture, food security and human mobility.
Collectively developed by the CADRI Partnership agencies, the Digital Tool will guide teams to conduct capacity diagnosis processes at country level. It will provide users with a wealth of thematic resources to support countries implement disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation initiatives at national and local level. The CADRI Digital Tool will be used both for CADRI-supported missions, as well as in-country processes led entirely at country level.
As the COVID-19 pandemic has amply revealed, offering digital solutions for capacity development support to at-risk countries becomes a critical priority for UN agencies. CADRI Partners are seizing the opportunity to test and improve the delivery of the capacity development services in the virtual space.
Following the virtual capacity diagnosis test, feedback and recommendations from participants to the test have been consolidated into a report to guide the last steps of the CADRI Digital Tool development process.
The CADRI Digital Tool is expected to be fully operational by end of 2020.