Western & Central Africa
In Togo, recurrent floods often have negative socio-economic effects on the population, the environment, and the economy. Soil erosion, coastal erosion and deforestation are also of major concern, exacerbating the effects of flooding. These floods have been particularly devastating over the past ten years. The effects of climate change are also felt in the country with incidents of extreme weather events including severe prolonged precipitation followed by flooding, strong winds, coastal erosion, droughts, wildfires, and marine submersion.
In 2019, at the government request, the CADRI Partnership facilitated a diagnosis of national and local capacities in disaster risk reduction, including preparedness for response. The diagnosis covers three main sectors: agriculture, food security and nutrition, infrastructure and land use planning, and health in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Gender equity and women empowerment are considered as a key strategy to reduce vulnerability to disaster risk. The conclusions and recommendations informed the development of the national disaster risk reduction strategy.