The CADRI Partnership offers tailored services to countries in the COVID-19 context

The CADRI Partnership offers tailored services to countries in the COVID-19 context

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we operate and deliver our services to countries. It has invited us to reflect upon how our services and delivery modalities need to be tailored to respond to the new reality on the ground.

Over the past months, the CADRI Partners reviewed the current offer of services and identified which of those could be tailored - and how - to the current COVID-19 pandemic response and recovery context. For the delivery of these services, CADRI continues to draw on the diverse expertise of its partners to provide risk-informed support to countries.

The adapted services include:

  • Capacity diagnosis and priority-setting in the context of COVID-19 response and recovery: The CADRI capacity diagnosis tool helps countries assess their capacities for preparedness, response and recovery, and prioritize capacity development measures in the immediate, medium and long term considering the COVID-19 socio-economic response and recovery priorities with a focus on the most vulnerable populations
  • COVID-19 response lessons learned: CADRI Partners can facilitate a neutral, consensus-based multi-stakeholder, multi-sectoral review or lessons learned exercise of the government COVID-19 response to improve the country disaster preparedness, response and recovery systems and capacities
  • Decision-maker dialogue on holistic risk management: CADRI Partners can facilitate a decision-maker dialogue to influence policy changes towards multi-hazard, multi-dimensional, holistic disaster risk management considering COVID-19 pandemic lessons learned
  • Training on disaster preparedness, response and recovery: The CADRI Partners can offer various training and awareness packages on disaster preparedness, response and recovery concepts and practices to enable countries address the identified capacity development needs

In the upcoming months, and while travel restrictions are in place, these services can be provided remotely through virtual consultations with extended network of CADRI practitioners across HQ, Regional Offices and Country Teams. Countries can continue to request CADRI support through their UN Resident or Humanitarian Coordinator.