Launch of the CADRI Tool for capacity diagnosis and planning on Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Week 2022
Join the launch of the CADRI Tool for capacity diagnosis and planning on Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Week (HNPW) 2022 to hear our panelists discuss the following questions:
- How can the CADRI Tool support countries’ processes to identify solutions to manage multi-dimensional disaster and climate risks?
- How can the CADRI Tool facilitate joint processes from government, humanitarian and development stakeholders to achieve the 2030 agenda?
- How can the CADRI Tool help to enhance anticipatory action to risks?
Our speakers:
- Ms. Angelica Broman, IOM
- Mr. Chang Hun Choe, IFRC
- Mr. Dominique Burgeon, FAO
- Mr. Ronald Jackson, UNDP
- Ms. Sophie Baranes, CADRI Secretariat
Session details:
Tuesday, May 10
11:00 – 12:30 pm
CICG, Room 4 and via Zoom
Register here