GFDRR is a global partnership to support developing countries to understand, manage, and ultimately reduce their risk from natural hazards and climate change. GFDRR contributes to the implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR, and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change by helping countries to integrate disaster risk management and climate change adaptation into development strategies and investment programs and recover from disasters quickly and effectively. GFDRR’s comparative advantage builds on its unique position within the World Bank to finance engagements that leverage larger development operations and policies. Through its in-country work, GFDRR awards grants for specific activities that address climate and disaster risks.
As one of CADRI’s Technical Partners, GFDRR provides guidance to the development of CADRI products at global, regional and country level. The CADRI Partnership can capitalize on GFDRR combination of disaster risk management, climate change adaptation, and development expertise through its in-house thematic teams eight areas:
- Promoting open access to risk information
- Scaling up the resilience of cities
- Deepening financial protection
- Deepening engagements in resilience to climate change
- Promoting resilient infrastructure
- Strengthening hydromet services and early warning systems
- Building resilience at the community level
- Enabling resilient recovery
To learn more about GFDRR, please click here.