Deployment of multi-sectoral expertise to optimize country systems for disaster preparedness
We offer deployment of multi-sectoral expertise to help strengthening countries’ systems for risk-informed preparedness to ensure effective, efficient, and timely response and recovery to both small-scale and large-scale disasters associated with all types of hazards. The CADRI Partnership supports governments in developing and implementing risk-informed emergency preparedness plans and tools at national and local level that are responsive to the needs of the most vulnerable population groups and promote greater integration among humanitarian and longer-term development processes.
As part of its offer, the CADRI Partnership provides country clients with a customizable training offer in disaster preparedness capacities across sectors and country good practices in preparedness for response and recovery.
In fragile and conflict/ post-conflict contexts, the CADRI Partnership works towards strengthening crisis preparedness systems by putting special emphasis on enhancing accountability, reinforcing transparency in information management, promoting nondiscriminatory practices in emergency/ humanitarian response, and establishing stronger monitoring mechanisms.