Vaccination during humanitarian emergencies

Vaccination during humanitarian emergencies

Globally, many countries are facing a broad range of humanitarian emergencies resulting from various hazards, which differ in scale, complexity and consequences. Emergencies may lead to major and possibly continuous disruption of vaccination services provided through primary health care, resulting in a significant drop in vaccination coverage. This may lead to a decrease in population immunity, and increased morbidity and mortality from vaccine-preventable diseases with potential risks for outbreaks. Vaccination should be among the high-priority health interventions implemented to limit the avoidable morbidity and mortality due to Vaccine Preventable diseases. Maintaining or re-establishing routine vaccination services should be the primary objective of every national immunization programme during humanitarian emergencies.

Learning objectives:

The objectives of this online resource are to facilitate:

  • the understanding and encourage the use of two documents: Vaccination in Humanitarian Emergencies: An Implementation Guide; and Vaccination in Acute Humanitarian Emergencies: A Framework for Decision Making;
  • provides guidance to decision makers and health workers in charge of planning and managing routine or additional vaccination service delivery in a humanitarian emergency context; and
  • show the importance of being responsible and proactive when faced with such emergency situations.

After completing these modules, participants will be able to:

  • define an acute humanitarian emergency,
  • describe the roles and responsibilities of key partners and stakeholders in emergency responses related to immunization,
  • access and use the decision-making framework for vaccination in humanitarian emergencies online tool and its complementary resources,
  • list the steps and key considerations in planning and implementing a vaccination response in an emergency setting, and
  • access complementary resources on emergency vaccination.

UNICEF Gender Equality Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action Playlist with Interactive Game

UNICEF Gender Equality Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action Playlist with Interactive Game

Welcome to UNICEF Gender Equality Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action playlist with Interactive Game! This playlist has been specifically designed to help you develop your understanding of the three commitments on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls and how gender is mainstreamed across various sector CCCs commitments.

With this playlist you will be able to integrate gender into the UNICEF humanitarian programming and advocacy that you support in order to ensure more effective, inclusive and quality programming, that reaches the full diversity of girls and boys, including the least likely to access services and face the greatest risks.

Learning objectives:

On completion of this playlist you will:

  • Understand how gender equality has been reflected in the CCCs and in UNICEF’s approach to humanitarian action.
  • Distinguish between gender-specific standalone commitments and integration of gender across sectors i.e gender mainstreaming.


  • Confident to apply the Gender Equality CCCs when you are supporting a humanitarian response.
  • Confident to use the CCCs to engage local NGOs, women and affected population/groups.
  • Motivated to improve your skills further

Be able to:

  • Practice how to engage with local organizations representing adolescent girls, women’s rights, and youth to gather a better understanding of the situation on the ground and as a step to designing the most appropriate response.

UNICEF fundamentals of humanitarian action

UNICEF fundamentals of humanitarian action

This programme aims to help you learn about the key principles, frameworks and approaches guiding UNICEF’s humanitarian action, with a specific focus on how UNICEF prepares for and responds to humanitarian emergencies.

Learning objectives:

After completing this programme you will be able to:

  • describe how UNICEF’s work in humanitarian action relates to its mandate and other key guiding documents
  • summarise the main principles and legal frameworks guiding UNICEF’s humanitarian action in preparing and responding to an emergency
  • relate the way UNICEF works in emergencies to the international humanitarian system
  • explain how UNICEF makes the decision to respond to a humanitarian emergency and what it is required to do in the response
  • describe how UNICEF prepares to provide timely and effective humanitarian response to an emergency, specifically in relation to its procedure and guidance on preparedness for emergency response

Procedure on Preparedness for Emergency Response

Procedure on Preparedness for Emergency Response

This course explains the processes and standards related to situation analyses in emergency preparedness and response.

Learning objectives:

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Explain the role of situation analysis in emergency preparedness and response
  • Describe international standards related to situation analysis in humanitarian contexts
  • Discuss the concepts and goals of a situation analysis
  • Discuss relevant situation analysis frameworks and data collection tools
  • Explain how to communicate situation analysis findings

Situation Analyses in Emergencies Preparedness and Response

Situation Analyses in Emergencies Preparedness and Response

This course explains the processes and standards related to situation analyses in emergency preparedness and response.

Learning objectives:

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Explain the role of situation analysis in emergency preparedness and response
  • Describe international standards related to situation analysis in humanitarian contexts
  • Discuss the concepts and goals of a situation analysis
  • Discuss relevant situation analysis frameworks and data collection tools
  • Explain how to communicate situation analysis findings

Results-based management (RBM) e-course

Results-based management (RBM) e-course

Are we doing the right thing? Are we doing it right? How do we know? Strengthen your ability to deliver and demonstrate results for children with these self-paced e-modules on Results-Based Management.

Learning objectives:

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe what RBM is, how it adds value to programming, and how it helps UNICEF achieve its desired results for children;
  • Define essential RBM concepts and terminology;
  • Develop, implement, monitor and evaluate  a strategic plan using RBM principles;
  • Create cogent reports for different audiences and that demonstrate the results of your programme for children.

Resource Mobilization to Meet Nutritional Needs in Emergencies

Resource Mobilization to Meet Nutritional Needs in Emergencies

The course is about the response for mobilizing financial, supply and human resources to meet nutritional needs in emergencies.

Learning objectives:

By the end of this module, you should be able to:

  • Describe the functions of the humanitarian finance system
  • Explain common UNICEF partnership agreements
  • Explain Country-Based Pooled Funds
  • Describe processes to mobilize supplies and human resources

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPLab-UNICEF project)

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPLab-UNICEF project)

PPPLab seeks to create and share knowledge for all stakeholders engaged with Public-Private Partnerships for food, water, and private sector development, and for the wider community interested in them.

The PPP Lab "Insights" eLearning curriculum is an online version of the PPP Insights eLearning print booklets.

This course provides an online treatment of the content in the 5 booklets in PPPLab Food & Water Insights series.

Public Health Reporting

Public Health Reporting

In this course, we aim to provide you with an insight into the basic concepts of public health in India and help you better report on these issues. It is a fact that journalists play a vital role in society; they alert and inform the general public. Therefore it is crucial for them not only to be talented writers but also have a strong knowledge of the field they are covering. This course highlights some of the core components of public health, such as immunization, breastfeeding, and malnutrition. It presents scientific knowledge in an easy to understand manner and links insights to practical journalistic challenges.

It is important to keep in mind, that this is not an in-depth public health course, but rather an online learning activity that will trigger your curiosity and broaden your understanding of the most discussed issues in this area.

Learning objectives:

After completing this course you will be able to:

  • Describe the main Public Health issues related to Immunization and Mother and Child Health.
  • Understand how vaccines work and why they are crucial for children’s life.
  • Identify myths and misinformation regarding vaccines, breastfeeding, and malnutrition.
  • Understand the consequences of “fake news” on public health
  • Analyze real-life journalistic scenarios

Personnel Emergency Preparedness

Personnel Emergency Preparedness

Preparedness, both in our professional and personal lives, is essential to ensuring our safety and well-being so we can continue fulfilling the UNICEF mission when an emergency occurs.

Learning objectives:

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the concept of emergency management and its phases
  • Identify measures you and your colleagues can take, in your professional and personal lives, to prevent and/or prepare for an emergency